Jumat, 11 Januari 2013

Modul Marketing Mix (english version)





II.                TABLE OF CONTENTS

PAGE;YARD TITLE………………………………………………………………i

Table of contents……………………………………………………………………ii


A. Diskripsi Module…………………………………………………….1

B. Conditions……………………………………………………………1
C. Guide Of Usage Of Module…………………………………………1
D. Final Purpose………………………………………………………..1


1.      Identifying market segmentation …………………………………2
2.      Compiling rancana attainment of market goals………………….5
3.      Compiling marketing plan…………………………………………8
4.      Applying principles of marketing mix…………………………….14
5.      Applying information system and technology also……………….27


 A. Deskripsi
 Module Marketing of this service and goods in general explain to identify market segmentation, compiling plan attainment of market goals, compiling marketing plan, applying principles of marketing mix, information system menerapakan and sale technology, calculating]PPN, PPH, PPN Bm and seal cost and also apply fundamental order is responsibility.

 B. Conditions

 This Module can be used by everybody but suggested beforehand study book or module about marketing bases.
 C. Guide Of Usage of Module
 Read module beforehand later;then do to finish problem - available problem in each is final [of] items. Doing problem Read module beforehand later;then do to finish problem - available problem in each is final [of] items. Doing problem can be [done/conducted] individually or in the form of discussion group.
 D. Final purpose
 After studying this module [is] expected can identify market segmentation , compiling plan attainment of market goals, compiling marketing plan, applying principles of marketing mix, applying information system and sale technology, [counting/calculating] PPN, PPH, PPNBM, Seal cost and apply fundamental order [of] insurance


A. Congeniality of Segment Segmentation market and market

·        Market segment is· Consumer group or buyer owning marking or nature of is same.
·       Market segmentation is · A process divide to heterogeneous market into buyer groups or consumer owning marking or nature of homogeneous and can mean to company

B. The Target of Segmentation
1        To protect strong emulation of other company breakthrough especially which producing [is] same goods
2        Company can major x'self [at] certain market so that can serve consumer as well as possible service to fulfill satisfaction of consumer
3        Specifying fertile market segment as sale area which [is] best selling or represent area of primadona to marketing for compensation [at] less area so succeed its marketing, with the regional segmentation and protected, [so that/ to be] marketing [is] always mastered and controlled
C. Benefit Segmentation
1        limited Resource can be used in an optimal fashion to yield product able to fulfill request of market
2        Product allocation can to potential market segment
3        Can follow to compete in certain market segment and also can determine the way of effective promotion
D. Criterion and Condition Segmentation Market
1        Measurable ( measurable), good is level of and also broadness and also certain market segment purchasing power
2        Reachable/ dijamgkau ( accessible) so that can serve effectively
3         Enough wide [of] ( substantial) so that can profit if served
4        Enforceable ( actionable), so that all progam which have been made arrangements for to draw and serve that market segment earn effectively.

E. Base Segmentation Market
1.     Segmentation pursuant to is geographical
a.    Region, where can be obtained [by] market segment which in the form of local market, market of regional, national pasarr, external market [of] exporting or country.
b.    This Elementary Iklim,dengan can be obtained [by] market segment which in the form of area market, plateau and mountain, and also coastal area market and lowland, each market pursuant to this climate different each other requirement, desire, appetite and also its its[his]
c.    Town or countryside, where can be obtained [by] market segment which in the form of urban area market and countryside area market or pertanian.Masing-masing of this market segment differ potency, motif, behavioral, habit of its purchasing, so that require the way of handling of different marketing.
2.     Segmentation pursuant to is Demographic
a.    Age
b.    Gender
c.     Work
d.    Earnings
e.    Amount of family member
f.      Education
g.    Social Class
h.    Clan or Tribe
i.       Religion.
3. Segmentation pursuant to psikografis
 group of Psikografis this [is]
a.       Swingers: [is] them which always look for recent goods( date to up) and motion swiftly, their way of living [is] to make account of easiness
b.       Seekers: This Group [is] group which always buy goods able to express to domicile high them [in] society c. Plain Jose: [is] group which always look for ordinary goods, which is not salient, however can fulfill requirement.
c.       Plain Jose: [is] group which always look for ordinary goods, which is not salient, however can fulfill requirement.
F. Follow the example of market segmentation
1.      Product of PT.UNILEVER Indonesia like Lux toilet soap, Lifebuoy, Rinso detergen, pepsodent have market scope entire/all Indonesia, consumer earned high middle, various education storey;level, profession type and also various [common/ public] storey;level
A.     Tes Written
1.   What congeniality of market segment and market segmentation
2.   What [of] its reason a[n company perform [a] market segmentation
3.   . Explaining market segmentation benefit to a[n company
4.   . Explaining market segmentation condition and criterion
5.   . Explain the purpose of the company to segment the market!
6.     Mention the basis of market segmentation?
7.     Describe the stages of market segmentation?

B. Problem Discussion

 Make example [of] how a company [do/conduct] good market segmentation [of] company of service or goods


A. Congeniality Of Goals Market

Representing activity to chosen or determine more specific market [of] segmentation having taken steps [so that/ to be] developed product to gone to market and also get respon.
Process Execution of Taget Market the run a business is
a.       Identifying bases for the segmentation of market
b.      Developing profile of yielded market segment
c.       Developing size measure or criterion of existing market segment fascination
d.      Chosening target market segment e
e.       Developing product position to each;every target market segment f
f.         Developing marketing reference ( Marketing Mix) to each;every that target market segment.
Factors able to influence execution of market goals is
a.       Situation analysis , relate to the problem of macro environment, [all] competitor, [all] [cutomer/ client], [all] pensupali of goods, [all] distributor etcetera
b.       Marketing target , relate to in the future that is consumer target, new [cutomer/ client] etcetera. to obtain;get a[n expected [by] advantage [is] company
c.       Company resource, relate to the way of company to get resource got from company alone or cooperate with company outside party
B.     Strategy market goals
1. Strategy of Undifferentiated Market ( Strategy Marketing which [do] not discriminate market)
Is a company only yielding one kinds of out for and just product draw all buyer candidate or buyer with a[n just marketing plan
Advantage use strategy of undifferentiated market is
·      Company can depress expense ( Production cost, persedian, advertisement
Weakness use Strategy of Undifferentiated Market is
·      If many other company also run is same marketing strategy , hence will happened keen emulation for the paintbrush of market ( Competition Hyper) and disregard other small market segment.
·      Coca-Cola in the early the forming of yielding or marketing only one kinds of beverage to fulfill entire/all market.

2. Strategy of Differentiated Market ( discriminating market)]
 is a producer or company yield and market product which different each other to every market segment.
·      Sale can be expected higher with product position with better product position from each;every market segment · Total of sale of company will be able to be improved unequally of product which on the market.
  Weakness :
·      ·There are tendency of expense will be more be high because increase of production cost to modify product, expense of, administration, expense of invesment expense and promotion.
   Example :
·      Coca-Cola productively or market some kinds of tidiness of the size and different
.3. Strategy of Concentrared Market ( System Marketing which is concentration)
 is a producer or company chosen certain market segment by offering product matching with requirement and desire of consumer exist in that market segment , which it is of course more specific.
·      Company expected will obtain;get to domicile / strong position in certain segment which selected. This matter because company will have better experience and knowledge in [doing/conducting] approach to accomplishment of requirement and desire of consumer of served market segment [it]
·      Company will obtain;get advantage because spesialisai in production, promotion effort and distribution, so that if selected market segment precisely, will be able to enable succeeding [him/ it] of[is effort product marketing of company
·      Company will face big risk if/when only depend on one or some just market segment. This matter because possibility the happening of change of appetite [all] consumer or improvement of other company competitiveness able to exceed kemapuan of that company in serving market well and is effective.
·      Company of coca-cola develop new product to serve diet people who, drinking coca-cola

C. Guidance Of Election Of Strategy Goals Market

 Characteristic - certain characteristic of seller, market or product can be made by guidance in election of market goals strategy. The characteristic is
a.       Resource which is company dimiki. When resource had by company very limited, hence correct strategy is market concentrated
b.      Product homogeneity. Undifferentiated Mareketing more compatible homogeneous products untyuk for example steel, oil of tanah.Produk- product able to be made in so many model and form like at motor, plane of recorder televisi,tape more is precise marketed by using strategy of differentiated or of concentrated marketing
c.       Dimiciling product in its its[his] life. If/When company yield new material, hence matter which first of all which must be [done/conducted] [by] company [is] generate demand primary among as many as possible potential buyer ( Marketing Undifferentiated) or among certain buyer group ( Marketing Concentrated). If/When product have reached phase of maturity in its its[his] life, hence strategy which must be used  [is] market differentiated
d.      Market homogeneity. If/When buyer have [is] same appetite, buying the amount of [is] same during specified period, and have reaction of [is] same to effort promotion, hence correct strategy [is] marketing undifferentiated
e.       Strategy marketing of rival. If/When company of rival run strategy of differentiated company marketing,maka have to fight against with [is] same strategy. But if rival run strategy of undifferentiated marketing, company can fight against [it] with or differentiated of concentrated marketing
Problem Written
1       What congeniality of market goals ?
2       Factors any kind of influencing market goals ?
3       Mentioning 3 alternative which [is] used in execution of market goals?
4        Mentioning and explaining factors limiting market goals strategy?
5       Mention guidelines in making the correct target market strategy!


A. Antecedent

 Planning of marketing [is] to think of,
 playing around with, deciding and specifying the followings ·
·         What will be done ·
·      When that work [is] [done/conducted]
·      Who [is] assigned to [do/conduct] that work
·      Where that work [is] [done/conducted]
·      Why that work must be done
Process in compiling planning of marketing shall be as follows:
1      Analyse achievement activity of marketing
2      Analyse excellence, weakness, company threat and opportunity
3      Compilation of marketing progam d
4       Determination of company target
5      Applying of marketing strategy .
6      Stipulating of marketing goals
7        Compilation of marketing plan
8      . Compilation of marketing budget.
Compiling marketing plan can give benefit to company, that is as follows:
a.       To push way of thinking far forwards
b.      To co-ordinate activity of marketing betterly
c.       To observe activity of marketing pursuant to labour capacity standard which have been specified
d.      To excite and participation feel responsibility [all] executor.
As for target compile marketing plan to entrepreneur shall be as follows
  1. As a means of controller which quickly, precisely and regular of note, efforts and idea kegitan of marketing
  2. To guarantee compatibility and compatibility [among/between] part of which there are in company as effort attainment of target
  3. To balance and harmonize activity of marketing of tired guarantying which can of target and target
  4.  To use trick of the trades [in] marketing area intensively and is optimal

B. Planning Short-Range, Expect and Long-Range

 Planning Short-Range that is

·         Planning of marketing drawn up for period below/under one some years or year which in character short relative ( planning range short).
 Planning of meter ]or middle that is
·         Planning of type of is effort ( Planning Intermedite) namely type of[is effort needing marketing which quickly [among/between] 1-5 year.
 Long-Range Planning that is
·         Planning of type of[is effort ordinary above 5-10 year, to effort needing study old ones above 30 year

C. Annual Planning and Planning of decade

 Planning of annual marketing
            annual Marketing plan express planning process which walk utuk one peride of time. In this case management will develop masterplan including activity of marketing every year. Its attention earn more poured at this annual plan, because the plan support long-range masterplan.
 For example
-                     Planning of long-range marketing determine target to introduce new products. Plan marketing of next year, however have to earn to make balance in stock by promoting product type which is losing ground ( decline) in cycle life of produk.ini meant to increase sale of the product so that its [his/its] earn well-balancedly

In course of compilation of annual planning can be differentiated by3 approach of yaittu
1       Planning Extrapolative
In this case management consider strategy which is [doing/conducting] and approximating wanted profit and also mount sale to reach . If this matter profit or gratify hence is later;then specified as target of company.

2       field goal of Planning
Management specify the target of sale and profit for certain year, if reached hence will gratify to stockholder
3       Planning Optimization
Management consider conducive and prima facie alternative strategy have strong influence to profit, sale, share market and opportunity of invesment a period of/to to come. In this case management assess the the influences and chosen strategy with most interesting consequence. Estimate of this konsekunsi [is] later;then specified as target of company.

D. Production Planning Pursuant To Planning of Marketing

 Stages;Steps compile annual production planning, period or long-range which require to be paid attention shall be as follows
1      Make a move effective and dynamic in all productivity and action
2      Quickly tangggap and immediately give reaction of if/when facing other difficulty or constraint in marketing
3      Target and marketing strategy to be executed especially after studying used by system rival
4      Research of environment and [his/its] influence to market to enter
5       Distribution channel to be used 
6      Decisions of fundamental in wisdom pattern marketing of money adapted for [by] situation
7       Volume sale projection and goals which will reach to be to be determined existing maximal ably
8      Understanding of law of behavior and of customer behavior.
 Goods to produce at one particular period a period of/to to come have to fulfill certain conditions
1      The goods have to is quickly produced by factory
2      The goods have to as according to consumer appetite and desire.
Marking execution of production
Marking in the plan product shall be as follows
a.        Production planning have to concerning activity in the future
b.        Production planning have to have a given time period
c.        Production planning have to draw up labour, machines etc.
d.        Have to determine its product type and amount, its model, its quality, its colour, its size measure etcetera.
Conditions production planning
a.        Have to be adapted for [by] the target of company
b.        Job/Activity plan have to modestly, can understand and executed.
Factors production planning
Factors which must be reckoned and dipehatikan in the plan produce shall be as   follows
a.        Nature of from production process
b.         Type and quality of goods to produce.

E. Planning new Product

 To compile planning of new product need is paid attention the followings
a.        Market analysis
b.        Analysis Situation.
c.        Election of officer
d.        Diagnosa [at] purchasing
e.        Knowledge about buyer character, location situation, demography, attitude to life and change of desire of buyer.
 Preparation of production planning
 As for preparation in creation of new product shall be as follows:
A.        Procedure preparation
a.        Procedure preparation of creation of new product shall be as follows:
b.        Preparation
c.        Screening of idea.
d.        Analyse idea.
e.        Attempt of new product.
B.        Test-Drive new product
Is process introduce new product to all dealer and later;then to buyer of is end of product
 Especial target of commercialisation phase:
a.      Look for dealer which have the kindness to channel new product,
b.      Look for dealer which have the kindness to look after supply of new product.
c.      Persuade [all] consumer or [all] final buyer to ready to to buy new product.
Decision [do/conduct] commercialisation:
          a) Influence of time.
  b) Strategy of geografi.
Four potential buyer candidate individuality for new product
·         potential Buyer candidate have to represent expecter of new product
·         potential Buyer candidate have to earn to be reached with expense of low
·          potential Buyer candidate have to earn to praise about kindliness of new product
·         potential Buyer candidate have to represent mass consumer of new product which required.

F. Planning Of Activity of Marketing

 Preparation which is  important to be known  by before compiling planning of activity of marketing for example as follows
1      Quickly listen carefully
2      Ownself analysis
3       Analysis Market
4      . Environmental Analysis [about/around].
Step which need to be taken [by] [is] to
1      Determining the target of having relevansi with market
2      Select;Choose and determine officer of trustworthy and reliable executor
3      Select;Choose executor organization matching with the target of activity to be executed
4       Segment market analysis and determine [which/such] market segments to reach
5      Position rival analysis or rival candidate if/when us plunge at one particular activity to be executed.
6      Block in activity without forgetting and planning,organizing,actuating of kontroling
7      Select;Choose and reckon right time to start activity
8      Reckoning mechanism and system work to execute activity
9      Developing knowledge about good resources [of] ministrant bahan,bahan, manpower.
10     Utilizing efficient and effective supervisor appliance without bong activity fluen
11    Completion of activity to a period of/to to come.
12    Execution monitoring [done/conducted] continual and periodic.
13    Doing/Conducting] assessment in specified period to know constraints faced.
14    Diagnosa process sale or purchasing where weakness situation and [his/its] excess

Discussion student spread sheet

1.   Mentioning stages;steps in processing planning of marketing!
2.   What of target compile marketing plan to company?
3.   Mentioning conditions planning of produksi!
4.   Mentioning 4 matter which need to be paid attention in compiling planning of new product !
5.   Describe the considerations that should be taken before implementing the marketing plan!
6.   Explain some of the reasons why companies are planning new products!
7.   Mention marketing planning steps!


A.Congeniality Of Marketing Mix

Is  a strategy of marketing emphasizing how to sell product as effective as possible pass/through variables able to be combined.
 Four variable element of marketing mix
1       Product
2       Price
3       Distribution
4       .Promotion
B. Stocktaking Factor Supporter Of Product Mixture In Marketing
 Congeniality of product:
Is everything able to on the market to market for your kind attention, owned, to be used or consumed covering goods physically( car, book), service ( salon, doctor), personality ( Krisdayanti), place ( Hawai,Venesia), organizational ( heart  institution, idea pramuka)dan ( family of Berencana, driving peaceful).
Basically product bought [by] that consumer can be differentiated to the 3 level
1       Product of is core of ( Product Core), representing nucleus;core/ elementary in fact from product which wish to be obtained or got by a consumer or buyer of product
2       Formal product ( formal [of] product), representing form, model, quality of or tidiness and mutu,merek accompanying the product
3       Additional product ( Augmented Product) is formal product addition with various service accompanying it like installation ( installation), service, transportation and conservancy free.
Factors which consist in in product is:
 a) Quality of / quality of.
 b) Appearance ( features).
 c) existing Choice ( options).
 d) Style ( styles)
 e) Brand ( names brand)

       f). Packaging ( Packaging)
       g) Size measure ( sizes)
       h) Type ( lines product)
 i) Kinds of ( items product ) Guarantee ( guaranties ) Service ( Service)
Trademark ( Brand )
Is name, device or term and combination from two or more element, which meant to identify ( service or goods) from a seller group or seller and differentiating [it] from rival product.
 Factors determining production brand:
 a) Authenticity, its meaning of the brand not yet/ have never been weared by other company.
 b) Can prevent possibility of forgery.
 c) Draw, so that can be made by free promotion appliance to develop;build buyer enthusiasm.
       d) Express usefulness of company and goods.
Good Brand conditions:
 a) For promotion: a brand do not only functioning to differentiate yielded goods an company with result of other company catchy
 b) Its words goodness and also its picture by that krarena of its words don't too long and its picture don't too complicated its of its picture modestly.
 c) Generate positive impression, product brand shall generate impression of goods have high quality or give impression that company of bonafide
Brand benefit:
 a) Producer wish to emphasize certain quality at product which on the market.
 b) Producer wish to protect unique product of possibility imitated by [all] competitor.
 c) Producer wish to make the basis for in performing a price diferensiasi.
 d) Producer wish to water down handling of marketed product
Tidiness ( Packaging)
 Tidiness have important meaning to influence [all] indirect and also direct consumer in taking choice to product to [in] buying of hence external form a product have to earn to be made [by] semenarik possible to consumer.
Tidiness function:
 a) To prevent to damage physically
 b) To prevent and hardened imitation or forgery.
 c) To guarantee hygiene and as place of container for product which in the form of liquid goods.
 d) As a means of communications by giving boldness [at] that tidiness about way of usage, way of is depository, composition fill product and others.
 e) Facilitate and economize time in transporting product of tesebut, so that facilitate channeling in course of sale both for dealer and producer and also to consumer.
Good Tidiness condition:
 a) Have to earn to protect product to damage, loss, and dirtiness.
 b) Have to be practical and economic to activity of distribution.
 c) Size measure tidiness have to as according to buyer will;desire, for example big the so small and its for as according to unit unity of product.
 d) Tidiness have to give descriptive aspect, that is showing brand, quality of, feeling and composition or mixture which there are in product.
 e) Tidiness shall have artistic aspect and image.
            Making of hand in glove lable once with brand and packing a product on that account lable can be interpreted as part of goods in the form of boldness about condition and existence of goods. As for kinds of lable which is often used by some company
a) Lable of name
 Under the circumstances lable only used as the name of just product for example name of Sunkist stamped at orange.
 b) Grade lable
 Showing story mount the quality of which is contained a[n product for example ketchup always there is first one expression, ceramic followed with article of Kw 1 etcetera.

c) Discriptif lable
 This lable often is also referred by about production boldness loading: usage, formation information/ product composition, way of depository etcetera.
Quality / quality of product
            Quality of product of menunjukkkan durable size measure of that product him, can trust of product, accuracy ( precision), easy operating it and looking after [him/ it] and also other attribute which assessed. From facet look into marketing., quality of measured in size measure perception of buyer about quality/ quality of product. Most product provided or performed by its beginning early at one among four storey;level of[is quality of that is low quality, mean , quality of goodness ( high), and quality of very good. Quality have to be selected by considering target market ( goals of market) of certain segment and strategy all other competitor.
Service ( services)
§   Service which is given in marketing a[n product include;cover
§   Service of time offer of product
§   Service in purchasing / sale of product
§   Service in transportation of which is accounted on seller
§   Installation ( product instalasi).
§   ·Insurance or damage risk guarantee of goods him on the way or transportation
§   Service during post sell ( including guarantee of damage of certain product within after product bought by consumer)
Manner Goods
                        Consumer consist of various faction with the each faction consist of people who have appetite which different each other. By that karean [of] merchant can chosen one of [the] way of hereunder
a. Providing one kinds of goods
 For example merchant of shoe, seller of clothes, beauty salon, service of penjahit. Providing one kinds of this shall have really understanding or membership [is] its area
b. Providing goods segolongan with many its equation.
 For example: selling goods - electronic goods ( radio, television, fan and others )
c. Providing many goods type and manner.
 For example restauranteur provide various cookery, worker of wood besides  making chair desk also make door, window and others
C. Determine Pricing and Breakthrough and also Perception of Market
1. Congeniality of price
            Conception all success producer in offering a[n goods product is]of course influenced by accuration in determining correct price by considering various factor which there are in society especially to gone to market and factor residing in in internal scope a organization.
            According to Basu Swastha in its book which entitle Principalitys of Marketing express price is a number of added money some goods if [is] possible required to get a number of combination of goods and [his/its] service.
According to E.Syarif Nurdin have a notion that price is exchange rate a[n goods which is expressed in money.
 Of the opinion can be concluded that sacrifice addressed to obtain get usage or interest a product referred as by price.
2. Target of pricing
·         Obtaining maximum profit
·         Getting certain market share
·         Squeezing market ( skimming market
·         Tired [of] storey;level result of acceptance of maximum sale by then
·         Promoting product
3. Pricing a. Augmentation Price.
 a. As for matter which including as component of profit margin is
·         Cost Of Goods Sold
·         Sale
·         Expense of
b. Factor determine price sell
In determining price sell by considering enhanced price augmentation ( margi profit) can consider as follows · Level of expense · Purchasing power · Service Competitor
Way of Calculating price sell.

Price Sell= Total cost+ Augmentation Price


Example [of]:
 Price buy shampoo of pantene 100 Rp.10.000 ml: price augmentation the wanted [is] 10%
 Price Sell:
 Rp 10,000+( Rp.10.000 X10%)= Rp.11.000
 Price sell goods depended condition and situation of konsumen,pelanggan,segmen local price and market generally.
Mark of Up Prising

Cost Of Good Sold Purchasing
 Cost of good sold Stock early = Stock HP early purchasing
 final Stock cost of good sold [of] period = final Stock HP [of] period
 Known: final Cost of good sold Stock [of] period : Rp.50.000.000
 Price Purchasing : Rp.88.000.000
 Price Stock early period : Rp.22.000.000
 Sale : Rp.96.0000.000
 Determine cost of goods sold and gross profit?
 Answer: HPP= HP early period+ Purchasing price- final Price Stock [of] period
 HPP= Rp.22.000.000+Rp.88.000.000-Rp.50.000.000= Rp. 60.000.000
 Gross-Selling profit= Fundamental Penjualan-Haraga [of] sale = Rp.96.000.000-Rp.60.000.000= Rp.36.000.000

4.Prosedur Pricing
a. Pricing with orientation of[is expense of [done/conducted] by
·        " Pricing markly up (mark of up pricing). In this case price sell which [is] specified to be to be [done/conducted] by enhancing a[n certain presentase of variable total cost or price buy from a merchant ( supermarket).
·        " Pricing with plus cost ( Plus Cost of pricing). In this case price sell which [is] specified by enhancing the percentage of [is] certain from total cost ( A sold good Cost
·        " Pricing of target ( goals of pricing). In this case price sell which [is] specified can give certain advantage storey;level which assumed is fair. this Fair advantage obtained for the storey;level of certain invesment and risk which possible happened. This pricing will give goals advantage of total cost storey;level with volume produce yielded standard.
       b. Pricing with request orientation
Price gaze [is] in this way relied on perception of more emphasized request intensity and consumer of factor of[is expense of. There are some relied on price strategy item [is] this request orientation that is:
  • " Pricing pursuant to perception or assessment of consumer to a[n product ( perceived of pricing value). this [is] Pricing very is influencing [of] product position [in] market, so that this influence require to be considered by the producer
  • " Pricing by or discrimination of diferensiasi price. Discrimination or of diferensiasi this price [is] [done/conducted] by considering difference of request, which can relied on customer, product, time and place. This pricing in general emphasize its consideration base [at] request pattern. In this way, hence [is] same product can be sold at the price of is different, relied on [of] buyer group, product, time and place.

c.Pricing with emulation orientation
  • " Pricing pursuant to industrial mean price storey;level ( pricing rate going)
Is to justly follow [of] price which [is] going into effect attached by its   competitor. Way of this referred [as] also its Imitatif meaning pricing remain justly to imitate
  • " Pricing of auction or tender ( pricing bite sealed)
Is lower specified price than which on the market / specified by its competitor. Last this only going into effect in work contract contracts
  • " Combination
 Lay eyes on third orient above its cost of good sold goodness , request of existing emulation and also market
D. Strategic Location dealer office
1. Congeniality of distribution channel
Is institutes marketing product in the form of service or goods of producer to consumer.
 As for institutes which have a finger in the pie channeling of goods is:
  • " Producer
  • " Medium
  • " Final Consumer or industrial [user/ wearer].
2. Some distribution alternative
 a. Distribution consumer goods channel
  • " Producer - consumer
  • " Producer - retailer - consumer
  • " Producer - whole saler - retailer - consumer
  • " Producer - agent - retailer - consumer
  • " Producer - agent - whole saler - consumer
 b. Distribution industrial goods channel
  • Producer- industrial [user/ wearer]
  • Producer - industrial distribution - industrial [user/ wearer]
  • Producer - agent - industrial [user/ wearer]
  • Producer - agent - industrial distributor - [user/ wearer] of industrial
3. Determining to the number of dealer
a. Intensive distribution
Company use many dealer especially retailer [so that/ to be] easy to come near consumer so that quicken accomplishment of its requirement. Because more and moreing quickly fufilled its requirement more and more felt its satisfaction. Intensive distribution
 This quickly suited for goods of konvenien, while for industrial goods to supply type of other standard goods
b. Selective distribution
[At] this selective distribution [of] company chosen some whole saler and also retailer in a[n certain area. this selective Distribution channel [is] oftentimes weared to market need goods or specialist goods and also new product. Medium for the industrial goods of type supply of addition usage of [his/its] distribution very selective this to avoid from amount of dealer which many but [do] not profit
c. Exclusive Distribution
Company only using one just dealer one whole saler or one retailer in certain area. This matter facilitate producer in performing [a] observation like retail price storey;level , execution of advertisement. Other advantage [of] dealer will have [cutomer/ client] which many.
            Oftentimes distribution of eksklusf used [by] [at]           
  • Specialist goods
  • Dealer ready to make supply with infinitude
  • Sold product to be accompanied with service of after sales like.

4. Factors which need to be considered in election of distribution channel
a. Type and nature of product
  • Is that product [of] durable product or [do] not
  • Is its product [is] including consumer goods or industry
  • Is value set of that low or high product.
Generally consumer goods use indirect distribution channel, while industrial goods most using direct distribution channel.
  • Goods of Convenience ( requirement goods one day day) using intensive distribution  
  • Goods of Shopping( goods bought by comparing one product with other product) using selective distribution
  • Goods of Special ( goods speciality) representing specific product, either from facet keunikan of product and also from usage facet or [his/its] brand use exclusive distribution
  • Goods which including goods unsought ( representing goods which [do] not look for [by] but required ) using selective distribusu
  • Product having the nature of is not durable valuable and set of high use direct distribution.

b.Nature of potential consumer
  • If amount of big consumer and terpencar in wide [of] geographical region, hence have to be used [by] dealer service with intensive distribution
  • If amount of consumer a few/little and gather [at] certain location or place hence weared [by] selective distribution.
c. Nature of emulation
·        Direct Marketing system used [by] if/when company [do] not wish its product [is] imitated by [all] competitor
d. Itself channel
·        In some cases have to be paid attention its channel [of] itself, do can be used and as according to certain products and also how its [relation/link] with level of expense.
e.Nature of/ situation of company alone
·        If/When company of big producer and monetary [his/its] strength, hence marketing channel more tend to shortly  
·        If/When small company and monetary [his/its] weaken hence company prefer long channel
·        There [is] also company of company taking a fancy to short marketing channel with a view to facilitate observation
E. Role of direct selling of mix promotion
 1. Congeniality of mix promotion
  Is best strategic combination of advertisement variables, personal of promotion appliance and selling which [is] lain,yang [is] altogether planned to do to reach the target of sale progam.
2. Reference Hotchpotch promotion ( Mix Promotion )
a.       Advertensi
Representing a presentation form and promotion of idea, financed by service or goods a certain sponsor which have the character of nonpersonal.Media which is often used in this advertensi is  radio, television, magazine, and newspaper of billboard.
Role / target of advertensi
·        Giving information diffusely and explain service product in acquaintanceship phase
·        Persuading prospecting customer so that create selective request [of] brand will be certain
·        Taking care of [cutomer/ client] [so that/ to be] remain to remember to service or product.
b.       Sale of civil ( personal of selling)
Representing presentation verbally in discussion with someone or more buyer candidate with a purpose to [so that/ to be] sale terealisasinya.
            Role / target of personal of selling
·   Improving interaction by personal [among/between] penyedia of service or product with [cutomer/ client].
·  Giving the understanding of about domination of product by persuasive
·  Instructing and inculcating confidence to [cutomer/ client] to conduct action to to buy

c. Sales promotion ( Sales Promotion).
 Representing all activity of marketing besides personal of selling, publicity and     advertensi, which  stimulating purchasing by consumer and effectiveness of agent like exhibition, demonstrating, demonstration and all effort sale of ynag [do] not be [done/conducted] regularly or kontinyu.
            Role / target of sales promotion
·  Giving the understanding of about domination of product morely persuasif
·  Influencing [cutomer/ client] image to service or product which on the market
·  Introducing passed to service or product [cutomer/ client].

d.  Publicity ( publicity)
Representing effort to stimulate request from a[n product nonly personal by making, including news having the character of commercial about the product in media printed or [do] not, and also result of interview which [is] broadcasted in media.
            Role / target of Publicity
·  Develop;Build company image and strengthen company positioning
·  Doing/Conducting anticipatory and anticipatory and effective public communications [of] issues expanding
·  Doing/Conducting the roll-out of new product or new service which given
e. Direct marketing or direct selling
Is system marketing of interaktif using one or more advertisement media to yield transaction and comments able to be measured in a[n location. ( mail direct, mailorder, respon direct, selling direct, telemarketing, digital [of] marketing).
            Role / target of direct selling
·  Giving the understanding of about knowledge of product morely persuasif
·  Influencing [cutomer/ client] image to given service
·  Introducing passed to service or product [cutomer/ client].

Tes Written
1. What congeniality of mix marketing?
2. Mentioning 4 factor influencing mix marketing!
3. Mentioning direct distribution type [at] consumer differentiated according to its type!
4. Explaining conditions of promotion!
5.  Explain the purpose of the company to segment the market!
6. Mention the basis of market segmentation?
7. Describe the stages of market segmentation?

Duty Discussion
 Student unionize [job/activity] to design new product by [doing/conducting] perception of situation of market [pass/through] media, perception report elektronik,membuat and present in class

A. Congeniality of marketing information system
That is consisting of people, equipments, and procedures to collect, to sorting, analysing , evaluating and distributing information punctually, accurate and required to decision maker of marketing.
 B. Congeniality of sale technology
 Action and systematic knowledge which have practical value or used to know newest report [regarding/ hit] sale
C.     Role of marketing information system
·    Specifying requirement of manager information
·    Developing required information
·    Distributing the the information punctually to [all] marketing manager

D. Component marketing information system
1. Internal Record-Keeping system
Most elementary information system which used [by] [all] marketing manager [is] internal record-keeping system. Including in it [is] report concerning order. sale, price , inventory level, receivable, debt etcetera. With analysing this information, [all] marketing manager can find important problem and opportunity.
2. System of Intelijen marketing
Is a set used source and procedure [all] manager to obtain;get daily information [of] them concerning interconnected growth in marketing environment.

3. System market research
 All marketing manager often perform [a] market research, formal research [regarding/ hit] opportunity and problems - certain opportunity . They possible need market survey, examination of product preferensi, forecast of sale according to region or research of advertisement effectiveness

4. System supporter of decision of marketing ( system support decision marketing ) to assist [all] marketing manager, they make decision better.

Tes Written
1. Explaining congeniality of information system!
2. Explaining congeniality of sale technology !
3. Explaining role of information technology!
4. Information system what is most elementary which is used all manager?

  • Indriyo Gito Prof.Drc.M.Com ( Hons), Management of Pemasaran,1998
  • Sofjan Assauri.Prof. Dr.M.Ba, Management Marketing, 1997
  • Kotler Philips, Management Marketing, Prehalindo PT. Jakarta 1997
  • Swastha Basu, Drs,Dh,Mba, Principalitys Marketing, Liberty 1984

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